Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why Capitalism is Evil Part I

Capitalist businesses always want more, no matter what. It is never enough. Therefore even if they are raking in billions of dollars in profits they will find an excuse (it is less than last year, less than a competitor, etc) to cut costs in order to make even more. Cutting costs usually means one of two things, 1) taking more away from the workforce (pay/benefits/work environment) in order to throw the extra wrung-out loot on the ever-growing pile of loot, or 2) finding cheaper means of production, i.e. inferior ingredients/parts or less safety in the workplace. In Capitalism there is no room for the concept of ENOUGH. Every parent teaches every child to share and to play fair, but under capitalism these concepts do not exist, yet these same parents who teach these important values to their children, to share and to play fair, are fine with the Capitalist ethos of never sharing, never playing fair, but rather taking and keeping more and more and more and never ever stopping the taking and the keeping and the owning and the hoarding and the looting.

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